AIM FOR EXCELLENCE-- The King's College Tutoring Program—certified by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) -- creates an environment for success, providing student-to-student assistance through scheduled afternoon and evening tutoring free of charge, dependent upon qualified tutor availability. Students build independence and effective learning habits through active-learning, increased confidence, and improved study habits. Any appt canceled within 60 minutes of the start time is a LATE CANCELATION. The system also tracks when a student misses an appt as a NO SHOW. Under our policy, after 3 late cancelations and/or no-shows, your student account gets deactivated until you meet with Mrs. Sheri Yech, Tutoring Coordinator, to review the barrier to your attendance. You can have your acct re-activated after this meeting.
There is a WAIT LIST feature. If activated, you will receive an email/text if an appt is opens up. This will enable you to grab that opening if you are the first to reserve it.
Student-Tutee Responsibilities
Review/try material BEFORE the session
Come prepared to ask about specific topics, problems, or assignment
Be able to concentrate and block out other distractions, like a cell phone
Work independently outside of tutoring sessions
Tutor Responsibilities
Arrive early to be ready at start time
Teach content topics and independent study strategies
Support learning, do not TELL answers, guide To them